The webinar covered how to complete contribution schedules and the Nest opt out process. There was also an extensive Q&A where attendees got the chance to ask in-depth questions of our experts.

The presentations and live demo are available below to watch again or share with colleagues:

Speakers :
Robin Armer – Director of B2B Proposition
John Hale – Head of Technical Account Management
Gary Ball – Senior Technical Account Manager

The slides from the webinar are available here: June webinar slides

We answered most of the questions asked during the webinar, please see answers to the questions we didn’t get to :

Q: With Electronic Link from Payroll is submitted. You still need to go to Nest to accept the submission. There is no automatic collection?

A: Some payroll software providers do offer the ability to approve for payment within their software – it may be worth checking with your provider.

Q: Is it important to have email address of the Member?

A: If you have the member’s personal email, then please add to the enrolment file. This helps us in contacting members and keeping them up to date with their pension savings.

Useful links :
How do I opt out of Nest? | Nest pensions

How do workers opt out of Nest? | Nest pensions

Refunds for members who have opted out | Nest pensions

Telling Nest a member wants to stop contributions | Nest pensions

Managing three-year re-enrolment | Nest pensions