The webinar covered the potential benefits of salary sacrifice, how to set it up on Nest and an update on the latest pension regulations.
The presentations are available below to watch again or share with colleagues:
Speakers :
Hosted by David Knight, Head of Strategic Account Management
John Hale, Head of Technical Account Management
Gary Ball, Senior Technical Account Management
Paul Terry, Pensions Technical Manager
The slides from the webinar are available here: February webinar slides
Unanswered questions from the session :
Q : Can you sacrifice more than 5%?
Yes, the member can choose to sacrifice a larger % if they wish, however the contributions should take the employee below the minimum wage.
Q: Can an employee change salary sacrifice % each year as long as it is above min wage and agreed by employer?
Yes, as above. The employer may put a restriction on the number of times that they can do this.